Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Single V-Belt Pulley

I made a mistake by putting the radius of the circles instead of the diameters. If you half the radius of each circle you get the right answer. 320 divided by 2 = 160 and so on.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lever Base Drawing

Today I worked on making a Lever Base Drawing on AutoCAD. I used different types of layers to show the different types of lines

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sectional Drawing

A sectional drawing is a detailed scale drawing observed in a standing section. More like the elevation and floor plan drawing, section view drawings are that much important.

Full Section Views - This is the normal way of cutting a section. The cutting plane lies on a single plane and passes through the entire object

Half Section Views - This technique is used to show the exterior and interior of a symmetrical object in a single projection view.

Offset Section Views - Offset section is a technique where the cutting plane offsets to pass through various features that would otherwise be missed by a full section.

Revolved Section - Revolved section shows only the features on the cut plane. Instead of projecting the section onto an adjacent view, the resulting section obtained from the cutting
is revolved 90° and is placed on the same view.

Removed Section Views - Removed section is similar to revolved section in that only the cutplane is shown. However, the section is placed elsewhere on the drawing.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Our main features are to make the first hill, the loops after it and the 90 degree drop. Our initial thoughts on the loops were that it wouldnt work after a hill but found out that it would work. There was also a corkscrew in our ride, but it was to hard to put in.

Sectioning Drawings Note

Sectional Views
-Must show the solids and voids
-Pass through an axis f symetry
-Parallel to one of the principal planes
-Outside shapers don't reflect inside shapes
-Some objects have different sapes on the exterior and in the interior
-Sectioning used to provide details of the interior

Monday, November 23, 2009

Roller coaster 3/Journal

The final product of the Spiderman Roller coaster

Roller coaster final 2

Our main features are to make the first hill, the loops after it and the 90 degree drop. Our initial thoughts on the loops were that it wouldnt work after a hill but found out that it would work. There was also a corkscrew in our ride, but it was to hard to put in.

Roller coaster final

Today i added supports to my roller coaster for both the drops and edited the loops

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Roller Coaster/Journal

I worked on a worksheet that helped me understand the main structure of my rollercoaster (cost, materials, equpiment/tools, etc..)

Roller Coaster Journal

Today i worked on Enviosioneer creating the roller coaster we designed and helped my group.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Roller Coaster Activity/Journal

Today I researched about roller coasters and how they work. I learned about the g-force and the amount of pressure it takes to make a roller coaster move fast. I helped my group sketch an outline on the roller coaster we created.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Circle Drawing


I worked on a driving hubb on AutoCAD creating my first circular orthographic drawing

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chapter 2 Results

Chapter 2 Results

Chapter 1 Results

Chapter 1 Test Results

Midterm TesT

Link to the final CAD mid term test

AutoCAD House/ Journal

I created this house on AutoCAD using a worksheet. I used lots of offsetting and triming to create the windoes and the door. The drawing includes dimensions.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Today i worked on my house drawing on CAD. I did lots of offsetting and trimming to make the windows and the doors.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Career - Architect

Career – Architect

Architects typically start by producing drawings or sketches for new buildings or for the renovation of old buildings. Often these designs include precise descriptions of the materials to be used in the construction, as well as the necessary mechanical, electrical, and structural specifications.

Architects are responsible for making sure the buildings they make are safe and conform to local by-laws. If they fail in any of these areas, they run the risk of being sued.

Architects usually work in office settings where they use computer-aided design (CAD) software to design buildings, bridges, and other structures. Some architects still work on large drafting tables, using pencils, rulers, and paper to create their designs. Architects may spend a lot of time on the phone with clients and contractors.

Working hours vary greatly. Some architects work 7 to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week; others might work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. For architects who are self-employed, hours depend on how much business they can get and on how many hours they are willing to work. In a large firm, hours depend on how much work an architect is given by senior architects.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Career Cruising Assignment


Persons Name: Ryan

Answer email correspondence from clients and consultants; assess my inbox for items of urgency and respond to certain messages right away; prioritize tasks for the day

Join a meeting already in progress, in conjunction with a product representative; meet with an interior designer and junior staff to discuss the potential use of furniture products on the personal care home project

Using Career Selector:

Career: Professional Athlete

What do people in this career do?

Athletes work and compete at many different levels. Professional athletes train for competitions or games in baseball, tennis, football, swimming, figure skating, hockey, and many other sports. Their day is usually divided between physical training (weightlifting, running, cardiovascular exercises, and so on) and practice (drills, scrimmages, and exhibition games) of their sport.

What skills do they have?

Athletes who compete at the professional level in the higher profile sports and athletic leagues have access to the highest caliber equipment for training. An athlete may use all sorts of computerized running, rowing, or cycling equipment to monitor and increase his or her level of performance. The characteristics that distinguish successful athletes from less successful ones are total commitment, the desire to win, and a determination to always raise the game to the next level.

Michael likes:

“The competitive aspect is very important to me, and since a young age I have enjoyed competing against other individuals. I also like the fans. Whether they are for you or against you, they tend to ignite extra energy that can make you play all that much harder. And finally, I like the pressure—being in situations where you have to get the job done. I find I always play better when the pressure is on

Michael dislikes:

“The first dislike would be job security. Every year there are new players trying to take your job, new coaches with new ideas, and sometimes you don’t fit into their future plans.

What are three things that you think are good about this job

The thing that attracts me most about this career is the earnings. Depending on the sport an athlete can make up to a million dollars. The lowest paying salary in the NFL is 400,000$, the highest paying salary is 23 million dollars. Another thing that interests me about this career is the possibility of a scholarship to a university. If you are a really good athlete throughout high school, you can get a scholarship to a university. If you don’t get a job as a professional athlete there are branches out from that job, including: referee, coach, personal trainer, gym teacher, and more.

What are three things that you think are bad about this job

The only thing that bothers me about this job is the risk of serious injury. Everyday on the field, whether it is football, soccer, or any sport you play, there is a high risk of injury. Another issue I have is traveling. If you go from city to city playing you have to leave your family behind.

Journal Entry: Today i worked on my career assignment on Microsoft Word. The job i picked was a profesional athlete. I wrote about my likes/dislikes about the job, the average salary and why i picked this job.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Journal Entry 10

I worked on the website www.careercruising.com on the career path of an architect. I filled out questions that involve the career and what working conditions the job has. I also found an interview on an architect named Ryan, that talks about his working conditions, and his day to day life on the job.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

AutoCAD - Trim and Offset

I made these two designs on AutoCAD using a worksheet

What Are Dimensions?

Dimesnsions provide two things:
Size and Location

Generel Drawing Rules

If you have an arc: use radial dimensions (> 180)
If you have a circle: use diameter dimensions

Display only the number of decimal places required for manufacturing precicion

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Journal Entry 9

Today i worked on AutoCAD learning how to offset and trim squares into different looking shapes.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Case Study Report - Football Stadium Architecture

Football Stadium Design

My case study is on designing a new football stadium in Chicago, Illinois. In the picture above it shows a design on the bleachers of the stadium. There are many attributes to add to the bleachers, including: steel rod, steel beam, steel rib, steel support and the steel tube. For the stadium you need to consider things like, parking, cost, and how many people it will fit. The most important thing is to plan ahead before starting the project. This project is expected to be done by 2013.

This is what the stadium looks like now but will get renovated to something more bigger and better.
Steel has a big role in this project because all the bleachers and stands will be supported by steel. Over 100 million dollars will be spent on this project for Chicago's new stadium.

Inner kitchen of house

Inner kitchen of house

Inner house

Inner room of my house

Friday, September 25, 2009

3 box model/Journal

Journal Entry 8

I learned how to use co-ordinates on AutoCAD and make boxes using 3 different methods.

My house (quick)

AutoCAD worksheet/Journal

Journal Entry 7

Today I worked on AutoCAD to create a drawing of a state with co-ordinates that I had on a workseet.

Journal Entry 6

I worked on AutoCAD creating the outline of Texas. I learned how to use different tools on the program and how to create different objects

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Angles of Projection

First-Angle of projection
-Used by many European countries
-Objects is projected onto planes from the first angle or quadrant

Third-Angle of projection
-Standard for the United States
-Third quadrant is used for projection

All the views and features must be aligned

Choosing Views
Most Common Views
-Front view
-Top view
-Right Side view

Cylindrical objects requires only 2 views
Object Dimensions
Overal dimensions include: Depth, Width(length) and Height+

Jounral Entry 5

Today i added interior to my house including: toilets, fire places, sinks, and doors.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Journal Entry 4

Today I worked on my floor plan on envisioneer. I made the interior of the house and added different types of designs

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Architecture and Design

Chapter 2
Architectural Drafting Equipment

Mechanical Pencils are not used anymore

Automatic Pencils - lead advances as button or tip is pushed

Dividers - Used to transfer dimensions or divide distances

Templates - A plastic sheet that contains standard symbols for tracing

Scales - Metric (Meter m) (Millimeter mm) is the most common
Imperial (Feet f) (Inches in)

Chapter 3
Drafting Media and Reproduction Methods

Sheet sizes recommended by ANSI
A - 8/12 x 11 or 11 x 8 1/2
B - 17 x 12
C - 22 x 17
D - 34 x 22
E - 44 x 34
F - 40 x 28

Journal entry 3

Today I continued to work on envisioneer building the floor plan for my house and the outter walls.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Journal Entry 2

Today I worked on envisioneer making blue prints for a house and the floor plan.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Architecture Careers

Beginning Drafter - Entry lrvrl position to gain experience and skill

Experienced Drafter - Expected to make construction decisions based on initial designs
Positions are available with architects, engineers, and designers

Desiner - May work under an architect and as a coordinator of many dragters
Architect - Must be liscenced to practice
-Designs residential and commercial buildings
-Aditional schooling beyond high school required

Engineer - Work is more technical and requires high level of math and science
-Education beyond high school required
-A variety of engineering field available
-Required to pass an examination for certification
Journal Entry #1
Today i wrote down a note on different types of jobs that involves architecture. I also made a house on google sketch in 3D.